Friday, August 15, 2014


Starting in early 2013, I've noe finished another historical novel, called The Alchemist's Daughter: The End of the Universe. It's 370 pages  will be published by Natur & kultur in Octobre 20014. The guys at the publisher's are real enthusiastic about the work and are puttting a lot of effort into it.

Lately, I have workd with av collection of erotic short stories to be published by Linds bokförlag in the spring 2015. Uncommonly enough, they will be published in my own name, no pseudonym. I think there might be some surprised interest here.

In the Alchemist's daughter I have cleaned away all form av sex, because of the chocked reactions to my novel about Händel, My Cruel Fate, which many readers and critics thought were steeped in perversion and obscenity. Well, the hëroine of the alchemist's daughter, "Rebis", is the opposite of this.

(I have enclosed a story in the erotic collection, though, where the reader will learn what actually happened behind the closed bedroom door between Rebis and her Lover Andreas.)

(The design of the book is made by the highly talanted Elina Grandin. Everything about the material book is just so marvellously beautiful!)

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